
Lore Power Usage Example

Parent Lore: Lore of Storms
Power Name: Invoke the Storm

Example Scenario

Demon Character: Malachai
Scene: Malachai is standing in the middle of a busy city block. She is being pursued by a group of armed mercenaries.

Dice Roll Results

  • Trait Level: Stamina 3 + Survival 4 = 7 dice
  • Difficulty: 6 (outdoors with rain clouds)
  • Dice Roll Results: 3, 8, 6, 5, 7, 9, 4
  • Successes: 4 (8, 6, 7, 9)


Malachai raises her arms and calls upon the fury of the storm. Dark clouds gather overhead, and within moments, wind, rain, and lightning envelop the city block. The heart of the storm follows Malachai as she rushes down the street, her enemies struggling against the fierce winds. Using the Storm: Malachai directs a bolt of lightning at the leader of the mercenaries.

Lightning Strike Dice Roll

  • Dice Pool: 4
  • Difficulty: 9
  • Dice Roll Results: 9, 4, 8, 2
  • Successes: 1 (9)


A single bolt of lightning strikes the mercenary leader, causing severe burns and knocking him to the ground. The other mercenaries scatter, their actions hampered by the raging storm and the continuous threat of lightning. For each subsequent turn, Malachai can continue to direct her elemental fury or let the storm wreak havoc indiscriminately.
